Retrieve a Request
Please note archived requests are NOT returned.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
The UID of the request
The UID of the Request.
The title of the Request
The description of the Request
Describes how the request was submitted.
, slack
, mail
, ms_teams
, admin_dashboard
, workflow
, public_api
, external
The UID of the author.
The UID of the requester.
The UID of assigned admin or Team inbox.
The UID of the associated Service/Application.
The link to the request in Siit admin dashboard.
Will be "public" only for Slack public threads (for now).
, public
Request status
, in_progress
, waiting
, resolved
, archived
A friendly ID (REQ-xx) where xx is a sequential number
ID of the channel where the request was created.
Slack thread timestamp.
Slack timestamp.
datetime formatted as ISO 8601 (e.g. "2020-12-15T03:34:13.000Z")
The UID of the user that completed this request.
Array containing the Request tags UIDs.
Custom forms attached to this request.
A Hash containing SLA data (only sent when Company has access to the feature).
datetime formatted as ISO 8601 (e.g. "2020-12-15T03:34:13.000Z")
datetime formatted as ISO 8601 (e.g. "2020-12-15T03:34:13.000Z")